To eat or not to eat (meat)?

Today we ask ourselves the question: should we eat meat and is it essential for us to live? People have always eaten meat, as it gives strength and energy. Armies before moving to attack usually consumed a meal, mostly meat. There were times when eating meat accounted for being wealthy and prosperous. In the twentieth century, people began to pay more attention to what they eat and what the benefits of eating meat were. People who stopped eating meat as well as dietitians claim that: • Meat doesn’t have a smell or taste, so it should be fried, cooked and seasoned. This, in turn, results in the emission of about 20 toxic substances, which destroy our blood vessels and nervous system. • Meat is never digested to the end, so it rots in our digestive system. That causes some changes in the pH of large intestine. This leads to blood acidification. Alkaline environment is ideal for the development of pathogenic cells. • Eating too much meat in early childhood causes a decrease in the resistance of the human body. • As our body needs large quantity of vitamins and micronutrients to digest meat, it may result in their absence in our body, which is often a cause of anemia and blood diseases. Healthy eating doesn’t have to include meat. Nowadays, animal protein can be replaced with vegetable protein. People who aren’t still convinced not to eat meat by the above examples might change their mind by reading the last one. • When animals are killed, their organisms produce hormones of fear and aggression. When people consume their meat, they are more prone to be aggressive themselves. Everyone should judge for themselves whether to eat meat or not and whether it is possible to live without meat. It’s out own choice, and our health depends on us.

Agnieszka Markiewicz